Co-Owner + CEO | Samson’s Haircare

The Inspirational Story of Building Samson’s Hair Care:
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How To Build a Brand:
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The Inspirational Story of Building Samson’s Hair Care



Tune in to hear Adam tell the incredibly inspirational story of building Samon’s Haircare!

Key Takeaways

  • Samson's Haircare is the manufacturer, marketer, sales, and admin of their own product line.

  • From banking to haircare, Adam met his partner at church and built a relationship from there.

  • Both Adam and his partner are foster parents of children of different ethnicities and textures of hair. So, they created Foster The Curl so they and others like them may provide hair care to their children of varying ethnicities and textures of hair.

  • They started with one product, a pomade, that they loved, but they did not do the research to find out that barbers wanted a water-soluble product which theirs wasn't.

  • The lesson they learned was to have more product diversity for various customer types and do more research to understand your audience.

  • COVID almost devastated their business because they are a small business with little to no employees, and COVID relief was based on older businesses with large payrolls.

  • Building a business relationship is nerve-racking and you should get used to the discomfort because it doesn't go away.

  • Leverage skill sets of and be honest with each of your partners to figure out each other's roles.

  • Aspiring Business Owners: Pay for a good CPA and Lawyer; would you pick the cheapest hairdresser? No, so spend money on an accountant and lawyer or suffer the consequences.

  • Fighting for each account is a reality you should be prepared for...

  • No hacks will take you to the point where you will be a legacy brand that is known and loved around the country or world.

  • If you focus on sales and not the relationship, they are just buying your pitch and that is not as valuable of a relationship that will stand the test of time.

  • Grassroots and analog development will have a strong base for your business.

  • You must have a pixel (a piece of code to track all IP addresses that come to your page) in order to retarget your efforts and take advantage of going viral or good social media implications!

How To Build a Brand



Tune in to hear Adam deliver tons of valuable information about building a brand!
Key Takeaways

  • Is your brand you, or do you want to have a separate brand from your own identity? This can also look like separating the Brand from you and your partner(s)

  • BUILDING A BRAND? Start with a mood board. Figure out what matters to you in terms of colors, imagery, and tone, and consider the emotions that this all invokes and align it with your desired brand.

  • Are you a tastemaker? Do you have an eye for good vs bad haircuts, color, styling, music, food, etc? Pick out what brands you like and consider that when putting your mood board together in the brand identification process!

  • Your brand identity needs to be thorough. Everything about your brand...EVERYTHING...communicates something. Make sure all decisions you make are in line with the brand! Music, fonts, memes, ingredients, products, lighting, etc...IT ALL MATTERS!


